Conference Registration is now open!

Greeting from the MCBIOS President:

Aik Choon Tan, MCBIOS President

I am deeply honored and profoundly grateful to serve as the 20th President of the MidSouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS). This opportunity to lead our esteemed society is a testament to the trust and confidence you have placed in me. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the board of directors and past presidents for their unwavering support and guidance. This moment is not just a personal milestone but a reflection of our shared vision for the future of MCBIOS.


  • Advance the understanding of bioinformatics and computational biology
  • Bring together scientists of various backgrounds and disciplines
  • Facilitate the collaboration of researchers with similar or complementary backgrounds to solve biological, health and/or medical problems
  • Promote education in bioinformatics and computational biology
  • Inform the general public on the results and implications of current research in bioinformatics and computational biology
  • Promote other activities that will contribute to the development of bioinformatics and computational biology MCBIOS Bylaws Current version (Amended Feb 20, 2010)


Membership in MCBIOS includes meeting registration for the annual Conference and access to workshops and collaborative projects hosted by MCBIOS through the year. Students receive a discount for membership and are eligible for student awards. MCBIOS encourages involvement at both the regional and state level.

Local Chapters

  • MCBIOS encourages the formation of local chapters. Chapters require:
  • At least three members
  • An elected chairman
  • A regular meeting schedule, with a minimum of two meetings per year
  • A purpose for organizing